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Can someone please explain why when trying to find a title I will present sometimes three letters and I will have to sit through hundreds of pages of other titles having seemingly nothing to do with the three letters I punched in,very frustrating
Most users like myself just want to Download a specific Movie old or new or a favorite Television show also old and new and watch once downloaded to their media library watch all at whatever time they want.....that's really how it should work especially once Movies or TV shows are within the PUBLIC DOMAIN then I don't see any infringement issues
Please explain why all of the ICON/SYMBOLS icons are no longer offered maybe you can just send these working DOWNLOAD ICON/SYMBOLS to members per request for 24 hours and then after the member has successfully Downloaded all Movies and Television within that time-frame delete all requested Download Icon/Symbols Movie or Television to reduce all Copyright issues..........
Still unable to download any film. Help needed from the Admin. What do I need to do?