Wild Russia

Axel Slingerland

New member
How about Wild Russia? It's a six part nature series. The episode names are:

The Secret Forest
The Great Divide
Primeval Valleys

The episodes are approximately 45 to 55 minutes each, and I don't know if these are in the proper order. For that matter, I'm not even sure the names are correct. There is however, a series of the same name on Disney+ that is different. It's good, but this one is better. I believe it was made sometime around 2008 - 2010. And of course, in 720 mp4 format.

Thanks in advance.

Axel Slingerland

New member
Wow... You're good!

Ok, here's a challenge for you. I have been a guitarist since I was 4, but I don't read music. I learn by ear and by sight. There is a film called "The Rippingtons, Live in L.A." It was filmed in 1992, and the only copy I can find is 360 and ultra blurry. It's bad enough that camera operators don't know that when an artist is playing a solo, they need to focus on that person, not someone else that is just playing the backing track. But add to that blurry video... It makes it all that much more difficult to follow.

If you can find that, then I definitely wish I had your movie and TV show tracking skills!